Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Coffee only keeps me going until it's acceptable to drink wine!

Ever since moving to Michigan from the east coast 3 years ago, I have had "friends" come and go left and right. People just don't seem to understand or are just completely crazy; maybe I'm just the crazy one, who knows. Regardless, I very quickly learned who I can rely on to be there day and night. I've also learned and began to abide by the fact that 'It is greater to have one quarter then 25 pennies'. 

Back in March, my dearest friend of over 10 years (Gosh, when did that happen?!) and I sparatically decided to book a trip to Chicago. As a mother and wife, and essentially a homebody, this is something that is far from my comfort zone, but we had just gotten our tax refund and my husband insisted. I had immediate buyers remorse when I saw the charges on my credit card, and sobbed my whole flight to Chicago from Traverse City, as my daughter screamed bloody murder when I walked through the security gates without her. It was the first time I had ever left her side for more then 24 hours in the whole 2 years of her life. 

But as soon as we found each other in the windy city airport, my long-time friend and I picked up as though we hadn't seen each other in a week, hardly anything close to pushing a decade. Every morning for the 4 days we were in Chicago, we had breakfast at the same little coffee shop, sitting and talking our mornings away; going deep into life stories, life problems, reminiscing and just plain enjoying our time. We made many more memories to add to our collection in those 4 days and continue to do so. For these memories, I am grateful, for this girls weekend, I am grateful.

Now every morning we start our days with a long distance coffee date, over the phone. And while it is no downtown Chicago coffee shop, it makes my days so much more bearable to know I have those little moments to look forward to, and friends like such, who make life just that much more tolerable... So for these moments and friends, I am grateful. 



  1. KD,
    This is such a touching story. It is good to have a good friend in your corner. My best friend of over 23 years is such a valuable part of my life. We consider ourselves sisters. We live in different states but we see each other every little chance we get. We talk often and when the going gets tough, she knows exactly how to make me feel better.
    I am glad that you have your friend in your life.

  2. I love this story also! You're a great example of a true friend!

